The human mind is full of stress and strain which creates hormonal imbalance and psychosomatic disorders such as Hypertension, Ulcerative Colitis, Ischaemic Heart Disease, Peptic Ulcer, Diabetic Mellitus, Bronchial Asthma, Migraine, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc. This is a combination of Yoga-Meditation and Ayurveda Therapy with holistic method. This treatment is very effective for stress management as well as for the purification of your body and mind helping you to attain the right balance and temperament of the mind.
About The Center :-
Somatheeram Ayurveda Village:- Located at Chowara Beach, 9 kms south of the famous Kovalam Beach, Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), Kerala with 15 acres of greenery all around.
Somatheeram Ayurveda Village, the first Ayurveda Resort in the world is unique in every aspect. A complete resort with tradition, culture, history, yoga, Ayurveda, beach & nature.
Somatheeram spreads over an incredible expanse of greenery, sloping down to sandy beach. Where the noontide is cool. The breeze robs the heart away. Bathe in the brilliant sun on the beach. Ethereal calm pervades the place at sunset and soft music flows like fragrance far out in the sea. A thousand lights gleam from the fishing rafts, matching the heavens lit its countless stars.
General Guidelines :
As Ayurveda treatments are highly personalised, the exact treatments and medicines could only be finalised after a detailed consultation with the Ayurveda practitioner.
The treatments given may vary according to the body constitution and requirements of the individual.
Male therapists will attend to gentlemen and female therapists will attend to ladies for all massages and therapies.
Please attend Ayurveda therapies following diet and lifestyle regimen as advised for optimum results.
For women: Certain therapies included in the program are contraindicated for women during their menses. Women are advised to schedule the program safely outside of the menstrual period.
Package Highlights :-
This therapy includes:-
From €990.00
From €990.00
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